Living life thru grace

Category: DIAXARIS

Dandelion Wine

 This is my dad’s old recipe for dandelion wine. One 5-gallon plastic bucket (or thereabouts) One gallon of dandelion flowers (flowers only, not the green sepals which are bitter) One gallon of boiling water Three lemons Three oranges Four pounds of sugar One yeast cake, or one packet of dry yeast Bottles and corks Place […]

DIAXARIS Announces Affiliation with Brownells

We are excited to announce our newest affiliation with Brownells.com! Brownells.com is the leading supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools. They have just added emergency and survival gear as well. Save $10 on your purchase of $150 from now thru March 31st by using Offer Code EC9. Thank you for supporting DIAXARIS […]

Swath, Rake and Bale

Summer! A time when life on the farm is very hectic. Various crops have already come and gone, especially in the orchard community. However, the next two to three months remain very, very hectic for most. A few days ago, Strat and I walked along the edge of the field. We had noticed that the […]

Is Off Grid Living for You?

What does someone mean when they say, “oh, we live off-the-grid (OTG)?” The Urban Dictionary defines off-grid as taking a break from the phone or internet for awhile. However, true off-grid-living means there is no reliance on any of the mainstream systems for power, water, sewer, gas or any other utility. This can include the […]

Mending Fences

A farmer’s work is never done and if you happen to have a neighbor who is a farmer, sometimes a person just lends a hand. Today we decided to mend a fence, not just any length of fence, but a brace (so the gate can be closed and secure). In this country where it snows […]

Letter to Elders: Catastrophic failure

DIAXARIS Winter Approaches

God has blessed us with blue skies and sun today. We can hear the cows lowing in the fields; such a soothing sound. The weather has been very crazy here; rain, rain and more rain! I do believe we have had the entire year’s rainfall in a matter of six weeks. It has rained so […]

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