Natural bug repellant
Potable Water System
DIAXARIS Announces Affiliation with Solo Stoves
The weather is warming up! It’s time to start thinking about hitting your favorite backpacking or camping areas! It’s also time to make sure your gear and supplies are in order. We are excited to announce that we have aligned with Solo Stove! Solo Stove is the ultimate backpacking stove. Chose from: Solo Stove weighs […]
Dandelion Wine
 This is my dad’s old recipe for dandelion wine. One 5-gallon plastic bucket (or thereabouts) One gallon of dandelion flowers (flowers only, not the green sepals which are bitter) One gallon of boiling water Three lemons Three oranges Four pounds of sugar One yeast cake, or one packet of dry yeast Bottles and corks Place […]
The Science of What?
Life has been full of awakening and challenges over the past few years; all in a good way. I grew up in a traditional, Catholic home, went to public school, church on Sunday and CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine), aka Catechism, on Tuesday night. To further my unbeknownst submission to the indoctrination process, I joined the […]
DIAXARIS Announces Affiliation with Brownells
We are excited to announce our newest affiliation with! is the leading supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools. They have just added emergency and survival gear as well. Save $10 on your purchase of $150 from now thru March 31st by using Offer Code EC9. Thank you for supporting DIAXARIS […]
Non-violent Communication
It may seem counter intuitive but violence and punishment have proven historically to be ineffective. After thousands of years of human history mankind has not on a large scale evolved to a level of peace and prosperity. Just expressing the Christian ideal of loving thy neighbor is rarely accomplished these days. So employing the technique […]
Swath, Rake and Bale
Is Off Grid Living for You?
What does someone mean when they say, “oh, we live off-the-grid (OTG)?” The Urban Dictionary defines off-grid as taking a break from the phone or internet for awhile. However, true off-grid-living means there is no reliance on any of the mainstream systems for power, water, sewer, gas or any other utility. This can include the […]